Archive for the ‘drilling porcelain’ Category

How can I Create bigger holes in porcelain or ceramic tiles with my Porsadrill diamond drill bits from 365?

July 1, 2009

How can I Create holes in porcelain or ceramic tiles ?

There are many times when you need to make a large hole into a tile. Maybe to fit a lightswitch socket.

You can actually stitch drill a tile using a range of core drills to open up the tile.

ceramic tile

You could take slithers out of a hole

drilling ceramic

Or use the core to widen the tile and drop an electrical socket in place.

You can see we move from perfect holes. To deformed holes and then into removing entire chunks of tile.

cutting holes in tiles

Stitch drilling is a useful skill if you want to remove parts of a tile accurately.

Article by Richard Hazell of